Discover 5 years from now

Δευ, 14/10/2013 - 13:51 -- admin

It is often difficult to really give outside readers an idea about what Discover tries to achieve in The Netherlands and Europe. Therefor I have jumped to 5 years from now to our pilot region Limburg, the city of Kerkrade in The Netherlands. I have tried to imagine how it will be if Kerkrade would implement the results we are trying to achieve in The Netherlands during the Discover project.

Diabetes Mellitus Care

Δευ, 02/09/2013 - 17:01 -- admin

Diabetes is a common condition that can have a significant impact on the health and well-being of older people. According to experts, diabetes education policies for both patient and carer are required. It has been pointed out that carers often need instructions during the starting stages of diabetes care. This is crucial as the role of carers in the treatment of seniors with diabetes is not only limited to servicing nutrition and monitoring but also in recommendations included early diagnostic, control, management and assessment actions which are believed to favorably affect the health conditions of their patients.

Care homes need internet access

Τρί, 20/08/2013 - 15:58 -- admin

A news article released by states that less than 20% of care homes provide internet access for their residents. Statistics show that only 3,400  of over 20,000 care homes in the UK provide internet access.  Social isolation is a significant problem for older people in particular when relatives live further away. Having access to online social networking and the ability to use technology for socialising and staying in touch can make a real difference.  Access to information, debate and entertainment also helps with mental stimulation. To read more about the findings from


Dissemination of DISCOVER project in the Active Citizenship and Local Development Conference

Τρί, 30/07/2013 - 11:44 -- admin

INTRAS Foundation participated in the congress "Mosaico Social - active citizenship and local development", funded by PRODER and held in District of Porto, Portugal, between 27th and 29th of June 2013. This congress was mainly oriented to the Social Network of the North of Portugal - Professionals of Private Social Solidarity Institutions, Associations, NGOs and other local actors.