Τετ, 27/03/2013 - 10:40 -- admin


Good news from DISCOVER Netherlands

The DISCOVER partners in the Netherlands have decided to concentrate on the cities of Kerkrade, Brunssum and Nuth in the region of Parkstad in Limburg to start their pilots sites. By working with regional care provider Meander, 250 iPads are being handed out to participants during the next few months. Meanders new ‘virtual caring service’ fits well together with the DISCOVER goals.

Through focus groups, the appropriate approach has been agreed for the pilot sites. At the start the focus will be mainly on those who provide care and those who receive care, also taking the elderly into account. The pilot sites will be called ‘VayaV clubs’ and will encourage informal carers to use the DISCOVER platform in their own home.

Through the ‘VayaV Clubs’ the Netherlands will be encouraging both formal and informal carers to interact with each other and ‘chat’ about their experiences while also learning at the same time.